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Unlocking the Door to Mobile Social VR: Architecture, Experiments and Challenges
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-03 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1700014
Lanshan Zhang , Linhui Sun , Wendong Wang , Jiangchuan Liu

VR redefines the well known social network by introducing impressive environment sharing and revolutionary face-to-face interaction. Benefiting from better mobility and affordability, mobile social VR is gaining popularity; however, very little is known about how and how well it performs. In this article, we characterize the workflow of mobile social VR, propose a tentative architecture by drawing lessons from well known techniques, and implement this architecture as a prototype. To analyze mobile social VR's performance and identify potential bottlenecks, we conduct experiments to evaluate and decouple the prototype. We observe that mobile social VR's performance mainly depends on the scene it renders, and existing high-end mobile devices exhaust most GPU resources but still offer poor experience for complicated scenes. Finally, we highlight the major challenges and prospects for future work.


打开移动社交 VR 之门:架构、实验和挑战

VR 通过引入令人印象深刻的环境共享和革命性的面对面互动,重新定义了众所周知的社交网络。受益于更好的移动性和可承受性,移动社交 VR 越来越受欢迎;然而,人们对它的性能如何以及性能如何知之甚少。在本文中,我们描述了移动社交 VR 的工作流程,借鉴众所周知的技术提出了一个尝试性的架构,并将该架构作为原型实现。为了分析移动社交 VR 的性能并识别潜在的瓶颈,我们进行了实验来评估和解耦原型。我们观察到移动社交VR的性能主要取决于其渲染的场景,现有的高端移动设备耗尽了大部分GPU资源,但对于复杂场景的体验仍然较差。最后,我们强调了未来工作的主要挑战和前景。