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Synthesis of New, Unnatural Macrocyclic Trichothecenes: 3-isoverrucarin A ((1″-O)(34)abeo-verrucarin A), verrucinol, and verrucene. 46th Communication on verrucarins and roridins†
Helvetica Chimica Acta ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 25 OCT 2004 , DOI: 10.1002/hlca.19880710808
Nicolas Jeker , Christoph Tamm

A new unnatural macrocyclic trichothecene, an analogue of verrucarine A (1), which was named 3-Isoverrucarin A ((1″-O)(34)abeo-verrucarin A; 3) was synthesized starting from anguidine (5). The two key reactions were the removal of the 4β-acetoxy group of anguidine (5) by a Barton deoxygenation and the final macrolactonization. During the cyclization procedure, two unexpected new macrocyclic by-products, which were named verrucinol (19) and verrucene (20), were formed. They represent novel types of macrocyclic trichothecenes, the macrolidic moiety of verrucene (20) consisting only of the (Z,E)-muconic-acid residue. The formation of the analogous macrolide 26 of verrucene (20) was not possible, probably because the ring strain is too strong.


新的合成,非天然大环单端孢:3- isoverrucarin A((1“ - ö)(34)的abeo- -verrucarin A),verrucinol,和verrucene。第46次关于Verrucarins和roridins的交流

一种新的非天然大环单端孢,verrucarine A的(模拟1),将其命名为3- Isoverrucarin A((1“ - ö)(34)的abeo- -verrucarin A; 3)合成从anguidine(起始5)。这两个关键反应是通过Barton脱氧和最终的大内酯化作用去除了胍基(5)的4β-乙酰氧基。在环化过程中,形成了两种出乎意料的新的大环副产物,分别称为Verrucinol(19)和Verrucene(20)。它们代表新类型的大环毛孢菌烯,即Verrucene的大分子部分(20)仅由(Z,E)-粘康酸残基组成。Verrucene(20)的类似大环内酯26的形成是不可能的,可能是因为环应变太强了。