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Bioelectroventing: an electrochemical‐assisted bioremediation strategy for cleaning‐up atrazine‐polluted soils
Microbial Biotechnology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-23 , DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12687
Ainara Domínguez-Garay 1 , Jose Rodrigo Quejigo 1, 2 , Ulrike Dörfler 2 , Reiner Schroll 2 , Abraham Esteve-Núñez 1, 3

The absence of suitable terminal electron acceptors (TEA) in soil might limit the oxidative metabolism of environmental microbial populations. Bioelectroventing is a bioelectrochemical strategy that aims to enhance the biodegradation of a pollutant in the environment by overcoming the electron acceptor limitation and maximizing metabolic oxidation. Microbial electroremediating cells (MERCs) are devices that can perform such a bioelectroventing. We also report an overall profile of the 14C‐ATR metabolites and 14C mass balance in response to the different treatments. The objective of this work was to use MERC principles, under different configurations, to stimulate soil bacteria to achieve the complete biodegradation of the herbicide 14C‐atrazine (ATR) to 14CO2 in soils. Our study concludes that using electrodes at a positive potential [+600 mV (versus Ag/AgCl)] ATR mineralization was enhanced by 20‐fold when compared to natural attenuation in electrode‐free controls. Furthermore, ecotoxicological analysis of the soil after the bioelectroventing treatment revealed an effective clean‐up in < 20 days. The impact of electrodes on soil bioremediation suggests a promising future for this emerging environmental technology.



土壤中缺少合适的末端电子受体(TEA)可能会限制环境微生物种群的氧化代谢。生物电化学是一种生物电化学策略,旨在通过克服电子受体的限制并最大化代谢氧化来增强环境中污染物的生物降解。微生物电修复池(MERC)是可以进行这种生物电化学的设备。我们还报告了14 C-ATR代谢产物和14 C质量平衡的总体概况,以应对不同的治疗方法。这项工作的目的是在不同的配置下使用MERC原理来刺激土壤细菌以实现除草剂的完全生物降解。土壤中14 C-阿特拉津(ATR)对14 CO 2的影响。我们的研究得出的结论是,与无电极对照中的自然衰减相比,使用正电位[+600 mV(相对于Ag / AgCl)]的电极ATR矿化作用提高了20倍。此外,对生物电处理后土壤的生态毒理学分析表明,在不到20天的时间内即可进行有效清理。电极对土壤生物修复的影响表明,这种新兴的环境技术前景广阔。