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Atomically Precise Au25(SG)18 Nanoclusters: Rapid Single-Step Synthesis and Application in Photothermal Therapy
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-20 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b12614
Sai Krishna Katla 1 , Jie Zhang 1 , Edison Castro 1 , Ricardo A Bernal 1 , XiuJun Li 1

Remarkable recent advances on Au25(SR)18 nanoclusters have led to significant applications in catalysis, sensing, and magnetism. However, the existing synthetic routes are complicated, particularly for the water-soluble Au25(SG)18 nanoclusters. Here, we report a single-step concentration and temperature-controlled method for rapid synthesis of the Au25(SG)18 nanoclusters in as little as 2 h without the need for low-temperature reaction or even stirring. A systematic time-based investigation was carried out to study the effects of volume, concentration, and temperature on the synthesis of these nanoclusters. Further, we discovered for the first time that the Au25(SG)18 nanoclusters exhibit excellent photothermal activities in achieving 100% cell death for MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells at a power of 10 W/cm2 using an 808 nm laser source, demonstrating applications toward photothermal therapy.


原子级精度的 Au25(SG)18 纳米团簇:快速单步合成及其在光热治疗中的应用

Au 25 (SR) 18纳米团簇最近取得的显着进展已在催化、传感和磁性等方面取得重要应用。然而,现有的合成路线很复杂,特别是对于水溶性 Au 25 (SG) 18纳米团簇。在这里,我们报告了一种单步浓缩和温度控制的方法,可在短短 2 小时内快速合成 Au 25 (SG) 18纳米团簇,无需低温反应甚至搅拌。进行了系统的基于时间的调查,以研究体积、浓度和温度对这些纳米团簇合成的影响。此外,我们首次发现 Au 25(SG) 18 个纳米团簇在使用 808 nm 激光源以 10 W/cm 2的功率实现 MDA-MB-231 乳腺癌细胞 100% 的细胞死亡方面表现出优异的光热活性,展示了在光热治疗方面的应用。