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Controllable Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Nickel‐Rich Cathodes by an Electrochemical Rearrangement for Stable Lithium‐Ion Batteries
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-11 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.201704309
Junhyeok Kim 1 , Jieun Lee 1 , Hyunsoo Ma 1 , Hu Young Jeong 2 , Hyungyeon Cha 1 , Hyomyung Lee 1 , Youngshin Yoo 1 , Minjoon Park 1 , Jaephil Cho 1

The layered nickel‐rich materials have attracted extensive attention as a promising cathode candidate for high‐energy density lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs). However, they have been suffering from inherent structural and electrochemical degradation including severe capacity loss at high electrode loading density (>3.0 g cm−3) and high temperature cycling (>60 °C). In this study, an effective and viable way of creating an artificial solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer on the cathode surface by a simple, one‐step approach is reported. It is found that the initial artificial SEI compounds on the cathode surface can electrochemically grow along grain boundaries by reacting with the by‐products during battery cycling. The developed nickel‐rich cathode demonstrates exceptional capacity retention and structural integrity under industrial electrode fabricating conditions with the electrode loading level of ≈12 mg cm−2 and density of ≈3.3 g cm−3. This finding could be a breakthrough for the LIB technology, providing a rational approach for the development of advanced cathode materials.



层状富镍材料作为高能量密度锂离子电池(LIB)的有希望的阴极候选材料已引起广泛关注。然而,它们一直遭受固有的结构和电化学降解,包括在高电极负载密度(> 3.0 g cm -3时严重的容量损失)。)和高温循环(> 60°C)。在这项研究中,报道了一种通过简单,一步一步的方法在阴极表面创建人造固-电解质界面相(SEI)层的有效可行方法。已经发现,在电池循环过程中,通过与副产物发生反应,阴极表面上的初始人工SEI化合物可以沿晶界电化学生长。发达的富镍阴极在工业电极制造条件下具有出色的容量保持能力和结构完整性,电极负载水平为≈12mg cm -2,密度为≈3.3g cm -3。这一发现可能是LIB技术的突破,为开发先进的阴极材料提供了一种合理的方法。