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Performance Improvement of Nanocatalysts by Promoter-Induced Defects in the Support Material: Methanol Synthesis over Cu/ZnO:Al
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2013-04-10 , DOI: 10.1021/ja310456f
Malte Behrens 1 , Stefan Zander 1 , Patrick Kurr 2 , Nikolas Jacobsen 2 , Jürgen Senker 3 , Gregor Koch 4 , Thorsten Ressler 4 , Richard W. Fischer 5 , Robert Schlögl 1

Addition of small amounts of promoters to solid catalysts can cause pronounced improvement in the catalytic properties. For the complex catalysts employed in industrial processes, the fate and mode of operation of promoters is often not well understood, which hinders a more rational optimization of these important materials. Herein we show for the example of the industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for methanol synthesis how structure-performance relationships can deliver such insights and shed light on the role of the Al promoter in this system. We were able to discriminate a structural effect and an electronic promoting effect, identify the relevant Al species as a dopant in ZnO, and determine the optimal Al content of improved Cu/ZnO:Al catalysts. By analogy to Ga- and Cr-promoted samples, we conclude that there is a general effect of promoter-induced defects in ZnO on the metal-support interactions and propose the relevance of this promotion mechanism for other metal/oxide catalysts also.


通过载体材料中的促进剂诱导缺陷改善纳米催化剂的性能:Cu/ZnO:Al 上的甲醇合成

向固体催化剂中加入少量助催化剂可显着改善催化性能。对于工业过程中使用的复杂催化剂,促进剂的命运和运作方式往往不是很清楚,这阻碍了对这些重要材料的更合理优化。在此,我们以用于甲醇合成的工业 Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 催化剂为例,展示了结构-性能关系如何提供此类见解并阐明 Al 促进剂在该系统中的作用。我们能够区分结构效应和电子促进效应,确定作为 ZnO 掺杂剂的相关 Al 物种,并确定改进的 Cu/ZnO:Al 催化剂的最佳 Al 含量。通过类比 Ga 和 Cr 促进的样品,