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Phosphorus‐Doped MoS2 Nanosheets Supported on Carbon Cloths as Efficient Hydrogen‐Generation Electrocatalysts
ChemCatChem ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-06 , DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201701680
Luozhen Bian 1, 2 , Wei Gao 3, 4 , Jiamin Sun 1, 2 , Mingming Han 1, 2 , Fulin Li 1, 2 , Zhaofeng Gao 1, 2 , Lei Shu 4, 5 , Ning Han 6 , Zai-xing Yang 1, 2 , Aimin Song 2 , Yongquan Qu 3 , Johnny C. Ho 4, 5

Highly efficient and stable non‐noble metal electrocatalysts for hydrogen generation are desired for sustainable development of energy conversion and storage. Here, a facile low‐temperature phosphidation process is developed for phosphorus doping into molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets directly synthesized on carbon cloths to function as an integrated electrode for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction. The optimal phosphorus‐doped (3.3 at%) MoS2 nanosheets exhibit substantially lower overpotentials of 133 and 189 mV to drive the current densities of 20 and 100 mA cm‐2, respectively, as compared with undoped MoS2, and an impressively small Tafel slope of 67.0 mV dec−1. The excellent stability in acid media also makes the phosphorus‐doped MoS2 nanosheet catalysts promising candidates for hydrogen generation in practical applications.



为了可持续发展能量转换和存储,需要高效,稳定的用于制氢的非贵金属电催化剂。在此,开发了一种简便的低温磷化工艺,用于将磷掺杂到直接在碳布上合成的二硫化钼(MoS 2)纳米片中,以用作有效的氢气释放反应的集成电极。与未掺杂的MoS 2相比,最佳的磷掺杂(3.3 at%)MoS 2纳米片表现出的较低的过电位分别为133和189 mV,以驱动20和100 mA cm -2的电流密度,并且其Tafel极小67.0 mV dec -1的斜率。在酸性介质中的出色稳定性也使掺磷的MoS 2纳米片催化剂在实际应用中有望成为制氢的候选者。