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Synthesis, antiproliferative activity, and mechanism of action of a series of 2-{[(2E)-3-phenylprop-2-enoyl]amino}benzamides
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2011-04-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.03.067
Demetrio Raffa 1 , Benedetta Maggio , Fabiana Plescia , Stella Cascioferro , Salvatore Plescia , Maria Valeria Raimondi , Giuseppe Daidone , Manlio Tolomeo , Stefania Grimaudo , Antonietta Di Cristina , Rosaria Maria Pipitone , Ruoli Bai , Ernest Hamel

Several new 2-{[(2E)-3-phenylprop-2-enoyl]amino}benzamides 12a–s and 17t–v were synthesized by stirring in pyridine the (E)-3-(2-R1-3-R2-4-R3-phenyl)acrylic acid chlorides 11c–k and 11t–v with the appropriate anthranilamide derivatives 10a–c or the 5-iodoanthranilic acid 13. Some of the synthesized compounds were evaluated for their in vitro antiproliferative activity against the full NCI tumor cell line panel derived from nine clinically isolated cancer types (leukemia, non-small cell lung, colon, CNS, melanoma, ovarian, renal, prostate and breast). COMPARE analysis, effects on tubulin polymerization in cells and with purified tubulin, and effects on cell cycle distribution for 17t, the most active of the series, indicate that these new antiproliferative compounds act as antitubulin agents.


一系列 2-{[(2E)-3-phenylprop-2-enoyl]amino}benzamides 的合成、抗增殖活性和作用机制

几种新的2 - {[(2- ë)-3-苯基丙-2-烯酰基]氨基}苯甲酰胺12A-S17吨-V通过在吡啶搅拌(合成ë)-3-(2- R1-3-R2 -4-R3-苯基)丙烯酰氯11c–k11t–v与适当的邻氨基苯甲酰胺衍生物10a–c或 5-碘邻氨基苯甲酸13. 对一些合成化合物的体外抗增殖活性进行了评估,这些细胞系来自九种临床分离的癌症类型(白血病、非小细胞肺癌、结肠癌、CNS、黑色素瘤、卵巢癌、肾癌、前列腺癌和乳腺癌) )。比较分析、对细胞中微管蛋白聚合的影响以及与纯化微管蛋白的影响,以及该系列中最活跃的17t对细胞周期分布的影响,表明这些新的抗增殖化合物可作为抗微管蛋白药物。
