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BODIPY-Derived Photoremovable Protecting Groups Unmasked with Green Light
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2015-03-17 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b01297
Pratik P. Goswami 1 , Aleem Syed 1 , Christie L. Beck 1 , Toshia R. Albright 1 , Kaitlyn M. Mahoney 1 , Ryan Unash 1 , Emily A. Smith 1 , Arthur H. Winter 1

Photoremovable protecting groups derived from meso-substituted BODIPY dyes release acetic acid with green wavelengths >500 nm. Photorelease is demonstrated in cultured S2 cells. The photocaging structures were identified by our previously proposed strategy of computationally searching for carbocations with low-energy diradical states as a possible indicator of a nearby productive conical intersection. The superior optical properties of these photocages make them promising alternatives to the popular o-nitrobenzyl photocage systems.


BODIPY 衍生的光可去除保护基团被绿光揭开

源自内消旋取代的 BODIPY 染料的可光去除保护基团释放出绿色波长 >500 nm 的醋酸。在培养的 S2 细胞中证明了光释放。光笼结构是通过我们之前提出的计算搜索具有低能双自由基状态的碳正离子的策略来确定的,作为附近生产锥形交叉点的可能指标。这些光笼优越的光学特性使其成为流行的邻硝基苄基光笼系统的有前途的替代品。