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AMPK: Sensing Glucose as well as Cellular Energy Status.
Cell Metabolism ( IF 27.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2017.10.009
Sheng-Cai Lin 1 , D Grahame Hardie 2

Mammalian AMPK is known to be activated by falling cellular energy status, signaled by rising AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP ratios. We review recent information about how this occurs but also discuss new studies suggesting that AMPK is able to sense glucose availability independently of changes in adenine nucleotides. The glycolytic intermediate fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) is sensed by aldolase, which binds to the v-ATPase on the lysosomal surface. In the absence of FBP, interactions between aldolase and the v-ATPase are altered, allowing formation of an AXIN-based AMPK-activation complex containing the v-ATPase, Ragulator, AXIN, LKB1, and AMPK, causing increased Thr172 phosphorylation and AMPK activation. This nutrient-sensing mechanism activates AMPK but also primes it for further activation if cellular energy status subsequently falls. Glucose sensing at the lysosome, in which AMPK and other components of the activation complex act antagonistically with another key nutrient sensor, mTORC1, may have been one of the ancestral roles of AMPK.



已知哺乳动物 AMPK 会因细胞能量状态下降而被激活,以 AMP/ATP 和 ADP/ATP 比率上升为信号。我们回顾了有关这种情况如何发生的最新信息,同时也讨论了表明 AMPK 能够独立于腺嘌呤核苷酸变化而感知葡萄糖可用性的新研究。糖酵解中间体果糖-1,6-二磷酸 (FBP) 被醛缩酶感知,醛缩酶与溶酶体表面的 v-ATP 酶结合。在缺少 FBP 的情况下,醛缩酶和 v-ATP 酶之间的相互作用会发生改变,从而形成包含 v-ATP 酶、Ragulator、AXIN、LKB1 和 AMPK 的基于 AXIN 的 AMPK 激活复合物,从而导致 Thr172 磷酸化和 AMPK 激活增加。这种营养感应机制会激活 AMPK,但如果细胞能量状态随后下降,也会为其进一步激活做好准备。溶酶体中的葡萄糖感应,其中 AMPK 和激活复合物的其他成分与另一个关键营养传感器 mTORC1 拮抗作用,可能是 AMPK 的祖先作用之一。