JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-14 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.15723 Rita Rubin
Lead poisoning of a 9-month-old baby girl in Manchester, Connecticut, last fall has been traced back to an unexpected source—a metal bracelet. Routine screening revealed that the baby had normocytic anemia and a blood lead level of 41 μg/dL—8 times the normal limit.
The infant was cared for only at her home, built in 1926. Two interior window wells in the house were found to have peeling lead-based paint, but given their inaccessibility and normal blood lead levels in the infant’s 3 older siblings, investigators concluded that this was not the likely source of the poisoning.
去年秋天,康涅狄格州曼彻斯特的一个9个月大女婴铅中毒的原因可追溯到一个意外的来源-金属手镯。例行筛查发现该婴儿患有正常性贫血,血铅水平为正常水平的8倍,为41μg/ dL。