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A Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Monitoring Leucine Aminopeptidase in Living Cells and Zebrafish Model
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-26 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02910
Zhe Zhou 1 , Feiyi Wang 1 , Guichun Yang 1 , Cuifen Lu 1 , Junqi Nie 1 , Zuxing Chen 1 , Jun Ren 1 , Qi Sun 2 , Chunchang Zhao 3 , Wei-Hong Zhu 3

Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) is an important cancer-related biomarker, which shows significant overexpression in malignant tumor cells like liver cancer. Developing an effective method to monitor LAP in tumor cells holds great potential for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and management. In this work, we report a novel BODIPY-based fluorescent probe (BODIPY-C-Leu) capable of monitoring LAP in vitro and in vivo in both ratiometric and turn-on model. BODIPY-C-Leu contains an asymmetrical BODIPY dye for fluorescent signaling and a dipeptide (Cys-Leu) as the triggered moiety. Activation occurs by cleavage of the amide bond in dipeptides and subsequently an intramolecular S → N conversion to convert sulfur-substituted BODIPY to amino-substituted BODIPY, resulting in a dramatic fluorescence variation to realize the detection of LAP. Furthermore, we have successfully employed BODIPY-C-Leu to monitor LAP activity in different cancer cells, indicating that HeLa cells have a higher level of LAP activity than A549 cells. Importantly, we demonstrated the capability of the probe for real-time monitoring the drug-induced LAP level changes in zebrafish.


