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Remote light-controlled intracellular target recognition by photochromic fluorescent glycoprobes.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01137-8
Junji Zhang , Youxin Fu , Hai-Hao Han , Yi Zang , Jia Li , Xiao-Peng He , Ben L. Feringa , He Tian

Development of powerful fluorescence imaging probes and techniques sets the basis for the spatiotemporal tracking of cells at different physiological and pathological stages. While current imaging approaches rely on passive probe-analyte interactions, here we develop photochromic fluorescent glycoprobes capable of remote light-controlled intracellular target recognition. Conjugation between a fluorophore and spiropyran produces the photochromic probe, which is subsequently equipped with a glycoligand "antenna" to actively localize a target cell expressing a selective receptor. We demonstrate that the amphiphilic glycoprobes that form micelles in water can selectively enter the target cell to operate photochromic cycling as controlled by alternate UV/Vis irradiations. We further show that remote light conversion of the photochromic probe from one isomeric state to the other activates its reactivity toward a target intracellular analyte, producing locked fluorescence that is no longer photoisomerizable. We envision that this research may spur the use of photochromism for the development of bioimaging probes.Fluorescence sensing in biological environments is prone to background signal interference. Here the authors design a photochromic fluorescent glycoprobe for light-controlled photo-switchable cell imaging and photo-activated target recognition, resulting in an increased sensing precision.



强大的荧光成像探针和技术的发展为不同生理和病理阶段细胞的时空跟踪奠定了基础。尽管当前的成像方法依赖于被动探针与分析物的相互作用,但在这里我们开发了能够进行远程光控细胞内靶标识别的光致变色荧光糖探针。荧光团和螺吡喃之间的缀合产生了光致变色探针,该探针随后配备了糖原“天线”以主动定位表达选择性受体的靶细胞。我们证明,在水中形成胶束的两亲性糖探针可以选择性地进入靶细胞,以通过交替的UV / Vis辐射控制进行光致变色循环。我们进一步表明,光致变色探针从一种异构状态到另一种异构状态的远程光转换激活了其对目标细胞内分析物的反应性,从而产生了不再光异构化的锁定荧光。我们认为这项研究可能会刺激光致变色技术用于生物成像探针的开发。在生物环境中的荧光传感容易受到背景信号的干扰。在这里,作者设计了一种光致变色的荧光糖探针,用于光控光开关细胞成像和光激活靶标识别,从而提高了传感精度。我们认为这项研究可能会刺激光致变色技术用于生物成像探针的开发。在生物环境中的荧光传感容易受到背景信号的干扰。在这里,作者设计了一种光致变色的荧光糖探针,用于光控光开关细胞成像和光激活靶标识别,从而提高了传感精度。我们认为这项研究可能会刺激光致变色技术用于生物成像探针的开发。在生物环境中的荧光传感容易受到背景信号的干扰。在这里,作者设计了一种光致变色的荧光糖探针,用于光控光开关细胞成像和光激活靶标识别,从而提高了传感精度。