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Pr2FeCrO6: A Type I Multiferroic
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01086 Nibedita Das 1 , Satyendra Singh 2 , Amish G. Joshi 3 , Meganathan Thirumal 4 , V. Raghavendra Reddy 5 , Laxmi Chand Gupta 1 , Ashok Kumar Ganguli 1, 6
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01086 Nibedita Das 1 , Satyendra Singh 2 , Amish G. Joshi 3 , Meganathan Thirumal 4 , V. Raghavendra Reddy 5 , Laxmi Chand Gupta 1 , Ashok Kumar Ganguli 1, 6
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We synthesized double perovskite Pr2FeCrO6 by solid-state method. Analysis of its X-ray powder diffraction shows that the compound crystallizes in a centrosymmetric structure with space group Pbnm. Our X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies show that all the cations are present in +3 oxidation state. Magnetization studies of Pr2FeCrO6 show that the material is paramagnetic at room temperature and undergoes a magnetic transition below TCM = 250 K. We observe clear magnetic hysteresis loop, for example, below 150 K. A low remnant magnetization Mr, ∼0.05 μB/f. u., is inferred from the observed magnetic hysteresis loop. 57Fe Mössbauer study at 25 K shows a high hyperfine magnetic field of ∼53 T at the Fe nucleus, which corresponds to a magnetic moment of ∼6–7 μB/Fe. These two results together suggest a ferrimagnetic (nearly compensated or canted) ordering of the Fe moments. Mössbauer studies close to the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature suggest interesting magnetic relaxation effects. A dielectric anomaly observed at TCE = 453 K signals a ferroelectric ↔ paraelectric phase transition. We observe at room temperature a clear and well-defined ferroelectric hysteresis loop, PS = 1.04 μC/cm2, establishing ferroelectricity in the material. From these results, we conclude that Pr2FeCrO6 is a type I multiferroic (TCE > TCM).
Pr 2 FeCrO 6:I型多铁性
我们通过固相法合成了钙钛矿型Pr 2 FeCrO 6。对它的X射线粉末衍射分析表明,该化合物以具有空间群Pbnm的中心对称结构结晶。我们的X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究表明,所有阳离子均以+3氧化态存在。Pr 2 FeCrO 6的磁化研究表明,该材料在室温下是顺磁性的,并且在T CM = 250 K以下时经历磁化转变。我们观察到清晰的磁滞回线,例如在150 K以下。低残留磁化M r,〜 0.05μ乙/ fu是从观察到的磁滞回线推论得出的。57,在25所k表示~53 T的高超精细磁场在铁核,铁穆斯堡尔研究其对应于~6-7μ的磁矩乙/铁。这两个结果共同表明铁矩的铁磁(几乎补偿或倾斜)有序。Mössbauer的研究接近亚铁磁有序温度,表明有趣的磁弛豫效应。在T CE = 453 K处观察到的介电异常标志着铁电↔顺电相变。我们观察到在室温下是清晰和明确的强电介质的磁滞回线,P小号= 1.04μC/厘米2,在材料中建立铁电。从这些结果,我们得出结论,镨2 FeCrO 6是I型多铁(Ť CE > Ť CM)。

Pr 2 FeCrO 6:I型多铁性
我们通过固相法合成了钙钛矿型Pr 2 FeCrO 6。对它的X射线粉末衍射分析表明,该化合物以具有空间群Pbnm的中心对称结构结晶。我们的X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究表明,所有阳离子均以+3氧化态存在。Pr 2 FeCrO 6的磁化研究表明,该材料在室温下是顺磁性的,并且在T CM = 250 K以下时经历磁化转变。我们观察到清晰的磁滞回线,例如在150 K以下。低残留磁化M r,〜 0.05μ乙/ fu是从观察到的磁滞回线推论得出的。57,在25所k表示~53 T的高超精细磁场在铁核,铁穆斯堡尔研究其对应于~6-7μ的磁矩乙/铁。这两个结果共同表明铁矩的铁磁(几乎补偿或倾斜)有序。Mössbauer的研究接近亚铁磁有序温度,表明有趣的磁弛豫效应。在T CE = 453 K处观察到的介电异常标志着铁电↔顺电相变。我们观察到在室温下是清晰和明确的强电介质的磁滞回线,P小号= 1.04μC/厘米2,在材料中建立铁电。从这些结果,我们得出结论,镨2 FeCrO 6是I型多铁(Ť CE > Ť CM)。