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Molecular Recognition in the Colloidal World
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00370
Elizabeth Elacqua 1, 2 , Xiaolong Zheng 1 , Cicely Shillingford 1 , Mingzhu Liu 1 , Marcus Weck 1
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00370
Elizabeth Elacqua 1, 2 , Xiaolong Zheng 1 , Cicely Shillingford 1 , Mingzhu Liu 1 , Marcus Weck 1
Colloidal self-assembly is a bottom-up technique to fabricate functional nanomaterials, with paramount interest stemming from programmable assembly of smaller building blocks into dynamic crystalline domains and photonic materials. Multiple established colloidal platforms feature diverse shapes and bonding interactions, while achieving specific orientations along with short- and long-range order. A major impediment to their universal use as building blocks for predesigned architectures is the inability to precisely dictate and control particle functionalization and concomitant reversible self-assembly. Progress in colloidal self-assembly necessitates the development of strategies that endow bonding specificity and directionality within assemblies. Methodologies that emulate molecular and polymeric three-dimensional (3D) architectures feature elements of covalent bonding, while high-fidelity molecular recognition events have been installed to realize responsive reconfigurable assemblies. The emergence of anisotropic ‘colloidal molecules’, coupled with the ability to site-specifically decorate particle surfaces with supramolecular recognition motifs, has facilitated the formation of superstructures via directional interactions and shape recognition.