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A new approach for ultrahigh-performance piezoresistive sensor based on wrinkled PPy film with electrospun PVA nanowires as spacer
Nano Energy ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.10.007
Cheng Luo , Nishuang Liu , Hang Zhang , Weijie Liu , Yang Yue , Siliang Wang , Jiangyu Rao , Congxing Yang , Jun Su , Xueliang Jiang , Yihua Gao

Pressure sensor with high sensitivity is desirable for it's vast application in fields like wearable electronics and human-machine interface. Here, we report a simple but rarely investigated approach to fabricate amazing high sensitivity pressure sensors by using PVA nanowires as spacer between active materials. On one hand, Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) nanowire (PVANW) serves as contact spacer between polypyrrole (PPy) film and PET/ITO sheet, where the electrical transportation between PPy film and PET/ITO sheet can be altered with different density of PVANW; on the other hand, the electroplating-obtained PPy film with intrinsic wrinkled and fluffy structure, shows various electrical conductivities under various external pressures. By virtue of these two traits, the PPy-PVANW-PET/ITO (PPPI) sensor distinguishes itself with superior performances of ultrahigh sensitivity (109.9 kPa−1, 0–0.17 kPa; 228.5 kPa−1, 0.5–2 kPa; 11.9 kPa−1, 5–9 kPa), low detection limit (2.97 Pa) and good stability (10,000 loading-unloading cycles). The excellent advantages of the sensor make it a promising candidate in today's pressure sensor industry, and the fabrication procedure of PPPI sensor also provides a simple method to improve the performance of pressure sensors.



具有高灵敏度的压力传感器非常适合在可穿戴电子设备和人机界面等领域中广泛应用。在这里,我们报告了一种简单但很少研究的方法,该方法通过使用PVA纳米线作为活性材料之间的间隔物来制造惊人的高灵敏度压力传感器。一方面,聚乙烯醇(PVA)纳米线(PVANW)用作聚吡咯(PPy)膜与PET / ITO片之间的接触间隔物,其中PPy膜与PET / ITO片之间的电传输可以随着不同的PVANW密度而改变;另一方面,具有固有的起皱和蓬松结构的电镀获得的PPy膜在各种外部压力下显示出各种导电性。凭借这两个特征,-1,0-0.17千帕; 228.5千帕-1,0.5-2千帕; 11.9千帕-1,5-9千帕),低检测限(2.97帕)和良好的稳定性(10,000加载-卸载循环)。传感器的卓越优势使其成为当今压力传感器行业的有希望的候选者,而PPPI传感器的制造过程也提供了一种简单的方法来提高压力传感器的性能。
