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Urinalysis in the Evaluation of Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-03 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.14482 Ziv Harel 1 , David L. Simel 2 , Ron Wald 1
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-03 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.14482 Ziv Harel 1 , David L. Simel 2 , Ron Wald 1
A 62-year-old woman with a 10-year history of hypertension presented with elevated serum creatinine (2.26 mg/dL; reference range, 0.6-1.2 mg/dL). She had not visited a physician for several years but reported feeling well with no active symptoms. She had no risk factors for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV and reported no use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal medications. One year ago, her urine was tea-colored during an upper respiratory tract infection. Examination results were normal except for elevated blood pressure (154/90mmHg).Althoughherhemoglobinconcentrationwaslow(10.5g/dL;referencerange, 11.6-15.2g/dL),whitebloodcellcount,plateletcount,andelectrolyteswerenormal.Herkidneys appeared structurally normal on ultrasound. Urine studies were performed (Table).
一名有 10 年高血压病史的 62 岁女性出现血清肌酐升高(2.26 mg/dL;参考范围,0.6-1.2 mg/dL)。她已经好几年没有去看医生了,但她报告说感觉很好,没有活动症状。她没有乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎或 HIV 的危险因素,并且报告未使用非甾体抗炎药或草药。一年前,她的尿液因上呼吸道感染而呈茶色。检查结果除血压升高(154/90mmHg)外均正常。虽然她的血红蛋白浓度低(10.5g/dL;参考范围,11.6-15.2g/dL),但白细胞计数、血小板计数和电解质均正常。超声显示肾结构正常。进行了尿液研究(表)。
一名有 10 年高血压病史的 62 岁女性出现血清肌酐升高(2.26 mg/dL;参考范围,0.6-1.2 mg/dL)。她已经好几年没有去看医生了,但她报告说感觉很好,没有活动症状。她没有乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎或 HIV 的危险因素,并且报告未使用非甾体抗炎药或草药。一年前,她的尿液因上呼吸道感染而呈茶色。检查结果除血压升高(154/90mmHg)外均正常。虽然她的血红蛋白浓度低(10.5g/dL;参考范围,11.6-15.2g/dL),但白细胞计数、血小板计数和电解质均正常。超声显示肾结构正常。进行了尿液研究(表)。