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Replacing the Al2O3 Shell on Al Particles with an Oxidizing Salt, Aluminum Iodate Hexahydrate. Part I: Reactivity
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b05803
Dylan K. Smith , Daniel K. Unruh , Chi-Chin Wu 1 , Michelle L. Pantoya

Improvements in the reactivity, measured in terms of flame speed, for aluminum-based energetic mixtures are increased by a factor of 2–3 by replacing the Al2O3 passivation layer of aluminum (Al) nanoparticles with aluminum iodate hexahydrate (AIH), an oxidizing salt. The Al–AIH nanoparticles are examined under transmission electron microscopy. An AIH passivation shell surrounding the Al core particle is a more reactive composite structure than Al2O3 passivation around Al which facilitates increased reaction rates with flame speeds as high as 3200 m/s. Flame speed measurements are used to show that reaction rates in AIH mixtures are determined by the AIH/Al2O3 ratio, oxygen balance, and β-HIO3. Further optimization of these properties will ultimately boost significant increases in the reaction rates of the energetic materials presented in this article.


用氧化盐六水合碘化铝代替Al颗粒上的Al 2 O 3壳。第一部分:反应性

通过用碘酸铝六水合物(AIH)代替铝(Al)纳米颗粒的Al 2 O 3钝化层,以火焰速度衡量的铝基高能混合物的反应性提高了2-3倍,氧化盐。在透射电子显微镜下检查了Al–AIH纳米颗粒。与围绕Al的Al 2 O 3钝化相比,围绕Al核颗粒的AIH钝化壳具有更高的反应性复合结构,从而有助于提高反应速率,火焰速度高达3200 m / s。火焰速度测量用于显示AIH混合物中的反应速率由AIH / Al 2 O 3决定比,氧平衡,和β-HIO 3。这些性能的进一步优化最终将大大促进本文介绍的高能材料的反应速率的显着提高。