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Synthesis of NIR naphthyl-containing aza-BODIPYs and measure of the singlet oxygen generation
Tetrahedron ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2015-08-26 20:08:12
Xin-Dong Jiang, Dongmei Xi, Boris Le Guennic, Jin Guan, Denis Jacquemin, Jian Guan, Lin-Jiu Xiao

With 1-(6-methoxynaphthalen-2-yl)ethanone as the starting material, aza-BODIPYs bearing naphthyl groups were successfully prepared. Effect of extended π-conjugation by attaching the naphthyl group on photophysical properties was noticeable. The absorption and emission maxima of aza-BODIPY 4 (λ abs=706 nm, λ em=733 nm) bearing the naphthyl group were bathochromically shifted compared to these of 1 (λ abs=688 nm, λ em=715 nm) bearing the phenyl group. Moreover, the main computed photophysical data at the best level of calculation, i.e., cLR-PCM(CHCl3)-M06-2X/6-311+G(2d,p)/SOS-CIS(D), were in agreement with the experimental data. Aza-BODIPY 5 as a photosensitizer (λ abs=704 nm in toluene) had moderate singlet-oxygen production having about 2.0-fold rate enhancement when compared to that of methylene blue, and it is thought to be a photosensitizer to be potentially used for the singlet oxygen generation.



以1-(6-甲氧基萘-2-基)乙酮为起始原料,成功制备了带有萘基的氮杂-BODIPY。通过连接萘基延长π共轭对光物理性质的影响是显着的。的氮杂BODIPY 4(λ的吸收和发射最大值ABS = 706纳米,λ EM = 733 nm)的轴承萘基被红移相比这些的1(λ ABS = 688纳米,λ EM = 715 nm)的轴承苯基。此外,在最佳计算水平上的主要计算光物理数据,即cLR-PCM(CHCl 3)-M06-2X / 6-311 + G(2d,p)/ SOS-CIS(D)与实验数据。作为光敏剂的Aza-BODIPY 5(λabs与亚甲基蓝相比,在甲苯中= 704nm)具有中等的单线态氧产生,其速率提高了约2.0倍,并且被认为是潜在地用于单线态氧生成的光敏剂。