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The Mechanisms of T Cell Selection in the Thymus
Trends in Immunology ( IF 13.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-19 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1016/j.it.2017.07.010
Hiroyuki Takaba 1 , Hiroshi Takayanagi 1

T cells undergo positive and negative selection in the thymic cortex and medulla, respectively. A promiscuous expression of a wide array of self-antigens in the thymus is essential for the negative selection of self-reactive T cells and the establishment of central tolerance. Aire was originally thought to be the exclusive factor regulating the expression of tissue-restricted antigens, but Fezf2 recently emerged as a critical transcription factor in this regulatory activity. Fezf2 is selectively expressed in thymic medullary epithelial cells, regulates a large number of tissue-restricted antigens and suppresses the onset of autoimmune responses. Here, we discuss novel findings on the transcriptional mechanisms of tissue restricted-antigen expression in the medullary thymic epithelial cells and its effects on T cell selection.


胸腺中 T 细胞的选择机制

T 细胞分别在胸腺皮质和髓质中经历正选择和负选择。胸腺中多种自身抗原的混杂表达对于自身反应性 T 细胞的阴性选择和中枢耐受的建立至关重要。 Aire 最初被认为是调节组织限制性抗原表达的唯一因子,但 Fezf2 最近成为这种调节活动中的关键转录因子。 Fezf2在胸腺髓质上皮细胞中选择性表达,调节大量组织限制性抗原并抑制自身免疫反应的发生。在这里,我们讨论关于胸腺髓质上皮细胞中组织限制性抗原表达的转录机制及其对 T 细胞选择的影响的新发现。