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Public Opinion about the Future of the Affordable Care Act
The New England Journal of Medicine ( IF 96.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-16 , DOI: 10.1056/nejmsr1710032
Robert J. Blendon , John M. Benson

What are the insights we can learn from polls during the recent congressional debate? The first insight is that the Republican Party, which is in the majority in Washington, is much more divided on health care issues than was recognized at the time of President Trump’s election, so it is difficult to enact major legislation.The second insight is how polarized Republicans and Democrats are about the overall future of the ACA. Throughout the debate, the majority of Republican adherents favored repealing the ACA, whereas Democrats did not. This made it very difficult to have any compromise legislation. Not widely recognized is that one of the reasons no bill was ultimately enacted was the split among Republicans between repealing and replacing the ACA or repealing it without a replacement.On most specific policy issues in the debate, Republicans and Democrats disagreed, but there is one major exception. The two parties’ adherents agree that the number of people covered by Medicaid should not be reduced in any replacement bill.Finally, the most important change over time was not the increase in public approval of the ACA, but rather the increase in overall support for universal coverage. When confronted with millions of people losing coverage, the public became more supportive of the principle that the federal government should ensure coverage for them.


