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Dynamic aspects of small bubble and hydrophilic solid encounters.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 15.9 ) Pub Date : 2011 Oct 14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2011.08.002
Luke Parkinson , John Ralston

The capture of solid particles suspended in aqueous solution by rising gas bubbles involves hydrodynamic and physicochemical processes that are central to colloid science. Of the collision, attachment and aggregate stability aspects to the bubble-particle interaction, the crucial attachment process is least understood. This is especially true of hydrophilic solids. We review the current literature regarding each component of the bubble-particle attachment process, from the free-rise of a small, clean single bubble, to the collision, film drainage and interactions which dominate the attachment rate. There is a particular focus on recent studies which employ single, very small bubbles as analysis probes, enabling the dynamic bubble-hydrophilic particle interaction to be investigated, avoiding complications which arise from fluid inertia, deformation of the liquid-vapour interface and the possibility of surfactant contamination.


