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Ultrahigh-Responsivity, Rapid-Recovery, Solar-Blind Photodetector Based on Highly Nonstoichiometric Amorphous Gallium Oxide
ACS Photonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-23 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00359
Ling-Xuan Qian 1, 2 , Ze-Han Wu 1, 2 , Yi-Yu Zhang 1, 2 , P. T. Lai 3 , Xing-Zhao Liu 1, 2 , Yan-Rong Li 1, 2

Recently, Ga2O3-based, solar-blind photodetectors (PDs) have been extensively studied for various commercial and military applications. However, to date, studies have focused only on the crystalline phases, especially β-Ga2O3, and the crystalline quality must be carefully controlled because of its strong impact on device characteristics. Based on previous reports, amorphous-semiconductor-based PDs can also be expected to exhibit excellent photodetection characteristics. In this work, amorphous gallium oxide thin films were deposited by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering, and the metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) PD was fabricated and compared with a β-Ga2O3 film prepared side-by-side as the control sample. The as-sputtered film possessed a high density of defects, including structural disorders, oxygen vacancies, and likely, dangling bonds, resulting in record-high responsivity (70.26 A/W) for a thin-film-type gallium oxide PD due to a high internal gain and the contribution of extrinsic transitions despite a relatively large dark current. The high sensitivity was further confirmed by a high 250 nm/350 nm rejection ratio exceeding 105, the specific detectivity as large as 1.26 × 1014 Jones, and a cutoff wavelength of 265.5 nm. A rapid recovery (0.10 s) rather than a strong, persistent photoconductivity was observed and attributed to effective surface recombination. Our findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of highly nonstoichiometric amorphous gallium oxide thin films and reveal additional pathways for the development of high-performance, solar-blind PDs that are inexpensive, large-area, and suitable for mass production.



近来,基于Ga 2 O 3的日盲型光电探测器(PD)已被广泛研究用于各种商业和军事应用。然而,到目前为止,研究集中只对结晶相,尤其是的β-Ga 2 ö 3,和结晶质量必须因为其对器件特性强烈冲击被小心地控制。根据以前的报道,基于非晶半导体的局部放电也有望表现出出色的光电检测特性。在这项工作中,无定形氧化镓薄膜,通过射频(RF)磁控溅射,以及金属-半导体-金属沉积(MSM)PD被制造,并用比较的β-Ga 2 ö 3并排制备的薄膜作为对照样品。溅射后的薄膜具有高密度的缺陷,包括结构紊乱,氧空位和可能的悬空键,导致薄膜型氧化镓PD的高响应度(70.26 A / W)是由于尽管存在相对较大的暗电流,但内部增益很高,并且外部过渡的贡献很大。250 nm / 350 nm的高截留比超过10 5,比检测率高达1.26×10 14,进一步证实了这种高灵敏度。琼斯,截止波长为265.5 nm。观察到快速恢复(0.10 s),而不是持久的强光电导,这归因于有效的表面重组。我们的发现有助于对高度非化学计量的非晶氧化镓薄膜有更全面的了解,并揭示了开发廉价,大面积且适合大规模生产的高性能,日光盲型PD的其他途径。