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Structure and mechanism of the 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase.
Annual Review of Biochemistry ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2007 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev.biochem.76.053105.093515
Chaitan Khosla 1, 2 , Yinyan Tang 2 , Alice Y. Chen 1 , Nathan A. Schnarr 1 , David E. Cane 2

6-Deoxyerythronolide B, the macrocyclic aglycone of the antibiotic erythromycin, is synthesized by a polyketide synthase (PKS) that has emerged as the prototypical modular megasynthase. A variety of molecular biological, protein chemical, and biosynthetic experiments over the past two decades have yielded insights into its mechanistic features. More recently, high-resolution structural images of portions of the 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase have provided a platform for interpreting this wealth of biochemical data, while at the same time presenting a fundamentally new basis for the design of more detailed investigations into this remarkable enzyme. For example, the critical roles of domain-domain interactions and nonconserved linkers, as well as large interdomain movements in the structure and function of modular PKSs, have been highlighted. In turn, these insights point the way forward for more sophisticated and efficient biosynthetic engineering of complex polyketide natural products.



6-Deoxyerythronolide B(抗生素红霉素的大环糖苷配基)是由聚酮化合物合酶(PKS)合成的,该聚酮化合物合酶已成为典型的模块化巨合成酶。在过去的二十年中,各种分子生物学,蛋白质化学和生物合成实验已对其机理特征产生了深刻见解。最近,6-脱氧赤藓红内酯B合酶部分的高分辨率结构图提供了一个平台,可以解释这些丰富的生化数据,同时为设计这种非凡的酶进行更详细的研究提供了根本的新基础。 。例如,已经强调了域-域交互作用和非保守的链接器的关键作用,以及模块化PKS的结构和功能中的大量域间移动。