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Enzymes Involved in AMPylation and deAMPylation
Chemical Reviews ( IF 51.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-18 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00145
Amanda K Casey 1 , Kim Orth 1, 2

Posttranslational modifications are covalent changes made to proteins that typically alter the function or location of the protein. AMPylation is an emerging posttranslational modification that involves the addition of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to a protein. Like other, more well-studied posttranslational modifications, AMPylation is predicted to regulate the activity of the modified target proteins. However, the scope of this modification both in bacteria and in eukaryotes remains to be fully determined. In this review, we provide an up to date overview of the known AMPylating enzymes, the regulation of these enzymes, and the effect of this modification on target proteins.


参与 AMPylation 和 deAMPylation 的酶

翻译后修饰是对蛋白质进行的共价变化,通常会改变蛋白质的功能或位置。AMPylation 是一种新兴的翻译后修饰,涉及向蛋白质中添加单磷酸腺苷 (AMP)。与其他研究更深入的翻译后修饰一样,预计 AMPylation 会调节修饰的靶蛋白的活性。然而,这种修饰在细菌和真核生物中的范围仍有待完全确定。在这篇综述中,我们提供了已知二磷酸化酶的最新概述、这些酶的调节以及这种修饰对靶蛋白的影响。