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1H NMR Metabolic Profiling of Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) Coelomic Fluid, Coelomocytes, and Tissue: Identification of a New Metabolite—Malylglutamate
Journal of Proteome Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-16 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00439
Corey M. Griffith 1 , Preston B. Williams 2 , Luzineide W. Tinoco 2, 3 , Meredith M. Dinges 2 , Yinsheng Wang 1, 2 , Cynthia K. Larive 1, 2

Earthworm metabolism is recognized as a useful tool for monitoring environmental insults and measuring ecotoxicity, yet extensive earthworm metabolic profiling using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been limited in scope. This study aims to expand the embedded metabolic material in earthworm coelomic fluid, coelomocytes, and tissue to aid systems toxicology research. Fifty-nine metabolites within Eisenia fetida were identified, with 47 detected in coelomic fluid, 41 in coelomocytes, and 54 in whole-worm samples and tissue extracts. The newly detected but known metabolites 2-aminobutyrate, nicotinurate, Nδ,Nδ,Nδ-trimethylornithine, and trigonelline are reported along with a novel compound, malylglutamate, elucidated using 2D NMR and high-resolution MS/MS. We postulate that malylglutamate acts as a glutamate/malate store, chelator, and anionic osmolyte and helps to provide electrolyte balance.


Co (Eisenia fetida)体液,成体细胞和组织的1 H NMR代谢谱分析:鉴定新的代谢物-谷氨酸谷氨酸

metabolism代谢被认为是监测环境损害和测量生态毒性的有用工具,但是使用1 H核磁共振(NMR)光谱进行extensive代谢谱分析的范围受到限制。这项研究的目的是扩大elo腔静脉液,粒细胞和组织中的嵌入代谢物质,以帮助系统毒理学研究。鉴定出在埃塞尼亚fetida中有59种代谢产物,其中在体液中检测到47种,在粒细胞中检测到41种,在全蠕虫样品和组织提取物中检测到54种。新检测到的但已知代谢物2-氨基丁酸,nicotinurate,Ñ δ,Ñ δ,Ñ报道了δ-三甲基鸟氨酸和trigonelline以及使用2D NMR和高分辨率MS / MS阐明的新型化合物谷氨酸丙二酸酯。我们假设苹果酸谷氨酸充当谷氨酸/苹果酸存储,螯合剂和阴离子渗透剂,并有助于提供电解质平衡。