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Brd4 bridges the transcriptional regulators, Aire and P-TEFb, to promote elongation of peripheral-tissue antigen transcripts in thymic stromal cells [Immunology and Inflammation]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2015-08-11 09:03:05 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1512081112
Hideyuki Yoshida 1 , Kushagra Bansal 1 , Uwe Schaefer 2 , Trevor Chapman 3 , Inmaculada Rioja 3 , Irina Proekt 4 , Mark S Anderson 5 , Rab K Prinjha 3 , Alexander Tarakhovsky 2 , Christophe Benoist 6 , Diane Mathis 6

Aire controls immunologic tolerance by inducing a battery of thymic transcripts encoding proteins characteristic of peripheral tissues. Its unusually broad effect is achieved by releasing RNA polymerase II paused just downstream of transcriptional start sites. We explored Aire’s collaboration with the bromodomain-containing protein, Brd4, uncovering an astonishing correspondence between those...


Brd4 连接转录调节因子 Aire 和 P-TEFb,促进胸腺基质细胞中外周组织抗原转录物的延伸 [免疫学和炎症]

艾尔通过诱导一系列编码外周组织特征蛋白的胸腺转录本来控制免疫耐受。其异常广泛的作用是通过释放在转录起始位点下游暂停的 RNA 聚合酶 II 来实现的。我们探索了 Aire 与含溴结构域蛋白 Brd4 的合作,发现了这些蛋白之间惊人的对应关系……