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Insertion-and-deletion-derived tumour-specific neoantigens and the immunogenic phenotype: a pan-cancer analysis.
The Lancet ( IF 98.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s1470-2045(17)30516-8
Samra Turajlic 1 , Kevin Litchfield 2 , Hang Xu 2 , Rachel Rosenthal 3 , Nicholas McGranahan 4 , James L Reading 5 , Yien Ning S Wong 5 , Andrew Rowan 2 , Nnennaya Kanu 3 , Maise Al Bakir 2 , Tim Chambers 2 , Roberto Salgado 6 , Peter Savas 7 , Sherene Loi 7 , Nicolai J Birkbak 2 , Laurent Sansregret 2 , Martin Gore 8 , James Larkin 8 , Sergio A Quezada 5 , Charles Swanton 9

The focus of tumour-specific antigen analyses has been on single nucleotide variants (SNVs), with the contribution of small insertions and deletions (indels) less well characterised. We investigated whether the frameshift nature of indel mutations, which create novel open reading frames and a large quantity of mutagenic peptides highly distinct from self, might contribute to the immunogenic phenotype.



肿瘤特异性抗原分析的重点是单核苷酸变异 (SNV),而小插入和缺失 (indel) 的贡献尚未得到很好的表征。我们研究了插入缺失突变的移码性质是否可能有助于免疫原性表型,插入缺失突变会产生新的开放阅读框和大量与自身高度不同的诱变肽。