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Rotating-Sleeve Triboelectric–Electromagnetic Hybrid Nanogenerator for High Efficiency of Harvesting Mechanical Energy
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03683
Ran Cao 1, 2, 3 , Tao Zhou 1, 2 , Bin Wang 1, 2 , Yingying Yin 1, 2, 3 , Zuqing Yuan 1, 2, 3 , Congju Li 1, 2 , Zhong Lin Wang 1, 2, 4

Currently, a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and an electromagnetic generator (EMG) have been hybridized to effectively scavenge mechanical energy. However, one critical issue of the hybrid device is the limited output power due to the mismatched output impedance between the two generators. In this work, impedance matching between the TENG and EMG is achieved facilely through commercial transformers, and we put forward a highly integrated hybrid device. The rotating-sleeve triboelectric–electromagnetic hybrid nanogenerator (RSHG) is designed by simulating the structure of a common EMG, which ensures a high efficiency in transferring ambient mechanical energy into electric power. The RSHG presents an excellent performance with a short-circuit current of 1 mA and open-circuit voltage of 48 V at a rotation speed of 250 rpm. Systematic measurements demonstrate that the hybrid nanogenerator can deliver the largest output power of 13 mW at a loading resistance of 8 kΩ. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a wind-driven RSHG can light dozens of light-emitting diodes and power an electric watch. The distinctive structure and high output performance promise the practical application of this rotating-sleeve structured hybrid nanogenerator for large-scale energy conversion.



当前,摩擦电纳米发电机(TENG)和电磁发电机(EMG)已经被混合以有效地清除机械能。但是,混合动力设备的一个关键问题是由于两个发电机之间的输出阻抗不匹配而导致输出功率受限。在这项工作中,可以通过商用变压器轻松地实现TENG和EMG之间的阻抗匹配,并且我们提出了一种高度集成的混合设备。旋转套筒摩擦电磁混合纳米发电机(RSHG)是通过模拟常见EMG的结构设计的,从而确保了将环境机械能转化为电能的高效率。RSHG在250 rpm的转速下具有1 mA的短路电流和48 V的开路电压,表现出卓越的性能。系统测量表明,该混合纳米发电机可以在8kΩ的负载电阻下提供13 mW的最大输出功率。此外,已证明风驱动的RSHG可以点亮数十个发光二极管并为电子表供电。独特的结构和高输出性能保证了这种旋转套筒结构的混合纳米发电机在大规模能量转换中的实际应用。