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Relaxations in the metastable rotator phase of n-eicosane
The Journal of Chemical Physics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2015-08-06 13:33:40 , DOI: 10.1063/1.4928059
C. Di Giambattista 1 , R. Sanctuary 1 , E. Perigo 1 , J. Baller 1

We present relaxations in the metastable rotator phase of the n-alkane eicosane (C20H42). The relaxation times found by calorimetry increase with increasing temperature on approaching the melting temperature of the rotator phase. This is the opposite behavior than the one found for classical activated processes. The relaxation behavior found by calorimetry is confirmed by investigations of the lattice structure with X-ray diffraction. It is shown that one lattice parameter of the orthorhombic phase relaxes on the same time scales found in calorimetry, whereas another lattice parameter reacts almost instantly on temperature perturbations. Increasing cooperativity for the creation of conformational defects in the alkane chains is proposed to be responsible for the observed behaviour.



我们提出正构烷二十烷(C 20 H 42)的亚稳态旋转相中的弛豫。当接近转子相的熔化温度时,通过量热法发现的弛豫时间随温度的升高而增加。与经典激活过程发现的行为相反。通过量热法发现的弛豫行为通过用X射线衍射研究晶格结构来证实。结果表明,正交晶相的一个晶格参数在量热法中的相同时间尺度上松弛,而另一晶格参数在温度扰动下几乎立即反应。建议在烷烃链中产生构象缺陷的合作性增加是观察到的行为的原因。