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Intentional Closing/Opening of “Hole-in-Cube” Fullerene Crystals with Microscopic Recognition Properties
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b01569 Partha Bairi 1 , Kosuke Minami 1 , Jonathan P. Hill 1 , Katsuhiko Ariga 1, 2 , Lok Kumar Shrestha 1
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b01569 Partha Bairi 1 , Kosuke Minami 1 , Jonathan P. Hill 1 , Katsuhiko Ariga 1, 2 , Lok Kumar Shrestha 1
We report production of highly crystalline fullerene C70 cubes possessing an open–hole structure at the center of each of their faces using a solution-based self-assembly strategy. The holes are isolated with a solid core at the interiors of the cubes. The open-hole structure of the cubes can be intentionally closed by introducing additional C70 and reopened by applying electron beam irradiation. The open-hole cubes exhibit preferential recognition of graphitic carbon particles over polymeric resin particles of similar dimensions due to the cubes’ sp2-rich carboniferous nature.
我们报告了使用基于溶液的自组装策略生产的具有高结晶度的富勒烯C 70立方体,该立方体在其每个面的中心都具有裸眼结构。孔在立方体的内部以实心隔离。可以通过引入额外的C 70来有意地封闭立方体的裸眼结构,并通过施加电子束辐照来重新开放它们。与具有相似尺寸的聚合物树脂颗粒相比,由于具有立方晶格的富含sp 2的性质,裸眼立方颗粒显示出对石墨碳颗粒的优先识别。
我们报告了使用基于溶液的自组装策略生产的具有高结晶度的富勒烯C 70立方体,该立方体在其每个面的中心都具有裸眼结构。孔在立方体的内部以实心隔离。可以通过引入额外的C 70来有意地封闭立方体的裸眼结构,并通过施加电子束辐照来重新开放它们。与具有相似尺寸的聚合物树脂颗粒相比,由于具有立方晶格的富含sp 2的性质,裸眼立方颗粒显示出对石墨碳颗粒的优先识别。