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RTN1 and RTN3 protein are differentially associated with senile plaques in Alzheimer's brains.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-21 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05504-9
Qi Shi 1 , Yingying Ge 1 , Wanxia He 1 , Xiangyou Hu 1 , Riqiang Yan 1

Reticulon proteins (RTNs), consisting of RTN1 to RTN4, were previously shown to interact with BACE1 by negatively modulating its secretase activity. In RTN3-null mice, RTN1 expression was slightly elevated. To understand the in vivo role of RTN1, we generated RTN1-null mice and compared the effects of RTN1 and RTN3 on BACE1 modulation. We show that RTN1 is mostly expressed by neurons and not by glial cells under normal conditions, similar to the expression of RTN3. However, RTN1 is more localized in dendrites and is an excellent marker for dendrites of Purkinje cells, while RTN3 expression is less evident in dendrites. This differential localization also correlates with their associations with amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's brains: RTN3, but not RTN1, is abundantly enriched in dystrophic neurites. RTN3 deficiency causes elevation of BACE1 protein levels, while RTN1 deficiency shows no obvious effects on BACE1 activity due to compensation by RTN3, as RTN1 deficiency causes elevation of RTN3 expression. Hence, expression of RTN1 and RTN3 is tightly regulated in mouse brains. Together, our data show that RTN1 and RTN3 have differential effects on the formation of senile plaques in Alzheimer's brains and that RTN3 has a more prominent role in Alzheimer's pathogenesis.


RTN1 和 RTN3 蛋白与阿尔茨海默病大脑中的老年斑有不同的相关性。

网状蛋白 (RTN) 由 RTN1 至 RTN4 组成,此前已被证明通过负向调节 BACE1 的分泌酶活性与 BACE1 相互作用。在 RTN3 缺失的小鼠中,RTN1 表达略有升高。为了了解 RTN1 的体内作用,我们生成了 RTN1 缺失小鼠,并比较了 RTN1 和 RTN3 对 BACE1 调节的影响。我们发现,在正常条件下,RTN1 主要由神经元表达,而不是由神经胶质细胞表达,与 RTN3 的表达类似。然而,RTN1 更定位于树突,是浦肯野细胞树突的极好标记,而 RTN3 表达在树突中不太明显。这种差异定位也与它们与阿尔茨海默氏症大脑中淀粉样斑块的关联相关:RTN3(而非 RTN1)在营养不良的神经突中大量富集。RTN3缺陷会导致BACE1蛋白水平升高,而RTN1缺陷由于RTN3的补偿而对BACE1活性没有明显影响,因为RTN1缺陷会导致RTN3表达升高。因此,RTN1 和 RTN3 的表达在小鼠大脑中受到严格调控。总之,我们的数据表明,RTN1 和 RTN3 对阿尔茨海默氏症大脑中老年斑的形成具有不同的影响,并且 RTN3 在阿尔茨海默氏症的发病机制中具有更突出的作用。