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Inline Shunt Flow Monitor for Hydrocephalus
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-20 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02034
Chuchu Qin 1 , Brian Stamos 1 , Purnendu K. Dasgupta 1

In hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds up in the cranial cavity causing swelling of the head and potentially brain damage. A shunt to drain the fluid into a body cavity is now universally used, but failure is all too common. Techniques for ascertaining shunt failure are time-consuming, expertise-dependent, and often inconclusive. We report here an inline system that reliably and quantitatively measures the CSF flow rate. The system uses a single thermistor to both heat the surrounding and to sense the temperature. In the heating mode, the thermistor is subjected to a 5 s voltage pulse. In the sensing mode, it is part of a Wheatstone’s bridge, the output being proportional to temperature. The signal, ViVf, which is the net change ΔV in the bridge output immediately before and after the heat pulse, depends both on the flow rate and the surrounding temperature. In vitro, a single equation, flow rate = 3.75 × 10–6 × ΔV(−9.568+1.088 Vi) provided good prediction for the flow rate, with 6.3% RMS relative error. The sensor behavior is reported for flow rates between 0–52.5 mL/h at 32–39 °C, adequately covering the range of interest.



在脑积水中,脑脊液(CSF)积聚在颅腔中,导致头部肿胀并可能对脑部造成损害。现在普遍使用分流器将流体排入体腔,但是故障非常普遍。确定分流器故障的技术是耗时的,取决于专业知识的,并且通常是不确定的。我们在这里报告一种可以可靠,定量地测量CSF流量的在线系统。该系统使用单个热敏电阻来加热周围环境并感应温度。在加热模式下,热敏电阻承受5 s的电压脉冲。在感应模式下,它是惠斯通电桥的一部分,输出与温度成正比。信号V iV f,它是净变化量ΔV紧接在热脉冲前后的电桥输出中的流量取决于流量和周围温度。在体外,一个单独的方程式,流速= 3.75×10 –6 × ΔV (-9.568 + 1.088  V i提供了很好的流速预测,RMS相对误差为6.3%。报告的传感器行为是在32–39°C下0–52.5 mL / h之间的流速下,足以涵盖所关注的范围。