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PCR Incorporation of Polyoxometalate Modified Deoxynucleotide Triphosphates and Their Application in Molecular Electrochemical Sensing of Yersinia pestis
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-18 06:15:37 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.201701295
Mayreli Ortiz 1 , Ahmed M. Debela 2 , Marketa Svobodova 1 , Serge Thorimbert 2 , Denis Lesage 2 , Richard B. Cole 2 , Bernold Hasenknopf 2 , Ciara K. O'Sullivan 1, 3

Redox-labeled nucleotides are of increasing interest for the fabrication of next generation molecular tools and should meet requirements of being thermally stable, sensitive, and compatible with polymerase-mediated incorporation while also being electrochemically discriminable. The synthesis and characterization of Keggin and Dawson polyoxometalate–deoxynucleotide (POM–dNTP) bioconjugates linked through 7-deaza-modified purines is described. The modified POM–dNTPs were used for polymerase-based amplification of a DNA sequence specific for Yersinia pestis and the amplified DNA detected using an electrochemical DNA sensor. This highlights the potential of polyoxometalates as thermally stable, sensitive and polymerase-compatible redox labels for exploitation in bioanalytical applications.


