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Environmental Applications of 2D Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) Nanosheets
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-17 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b01466
Zhongying Wang 1 , Baoxia Mi 1

In an era of graphene-based nanomaterials as the most widely studied two-dimensional (2D) materials for enhanced performance of devices and systems in numerous environmental applications, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets stand out as a promising alternative 2D material with many excellent physicochemical, biological, and mechanical properties that differ significantly from those of graphene-based nanomaterials, potentially leading to new environmental phenomena and novel applications. This Critical Review presents the latest advances in the use of MoS2 nanosheets for important water-related environmental applications such as contaminant adsorption, photocatalysis, membrane-based separation, sensing, and disinfection. Various methods for MoS2 nanosheet synthesis are examined, and their suitability for different environmental applications is discussed. The unique structure and properties of MoS2 nanosheets enabling exceptional environmental capabilities are compared with those of graphene-based nanomaterials. The environmental implications of MoS2 nanosheets are emphasized, and research needs for future environmental applications of MoS2 nanosheets are identified.


二维二硫化钼(MoS 2)纳米片的环境应用

在石墨烯基纳米材料时代,石墨烯基纳米材料是在许多环境应用中用于增强设备和系统性能的最广泛研究的二维(2D)材料,二硫化钼(MoS 2)纳米片材是有希望的替代性2D材料,具有许多优异的性能。物理化学,生物学和机械性能与基于石墨烯的纳米材料显着不同,可能导致新的环境现象和新颖的应用。这篇重要评论介绍了MoS 2纳米片在与水有关的重要环境应用中的最新进展,例如污染物吸附,光催化,基于膜的分离,传感和消毒。MoS 2的各种方法研究了纳米片的合成,并讨论了它们在不同环境中的适用性。MoS 2纳米片的独特结构和性能可实现卓越的环保性能,并与石墨烯基纳米材料进行了比较。强调了MoS 2纳米片对环境的影响,并确定了MoS 2纳米片在未来环境中的研究需求。