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Crystallization Dynamics of Organolead Halide Perovskite by Real-Time X-ray Diffraction
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2015-08-03 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02402
Tetsuhiko Miyadera 1, 2 , Yosei Shibata 1 , Tomoyuki Koganezawa 3 , Takurou N. Murakami 1 , Takeshi Sugita 1 , Nobutaka Tanigaki 1 , Masayuki Chikamatsu 1

We analyzed the crystallization process of the CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite by observing real-time X-ray diffraction immediately after combining a PbI2 thin film with a CH3NH3I solution. A detailed analysis of the transformation kinetics demonstrated the fractal diffusion of the CH3NH3I solution into the PbI2 film. Moreover, the perovskite crystal was found to be initially oriented based on the PbI2 crystal orientation but to gradually transition to a random orientation. The fluctuating characteristics of the crystallization process of perovskites, such as fractal penetration and orientational transformation, should be controlled to allow the fabrication of high-quality perovskite crystals. The characteristic reaction dynamics observed in this study should assist in establishing reproducible fabrication processes for perovskite solar cells.



我们在将PbI 2薄膜与CH 3 NH 3 I溶液混合后立即观察实时X射线衍射,从而分析了CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3钙钛矿的结晶过程。对转变动力学的详细分析表明,CH 3 NH 3 I溶液的分形扩散到PbI 2膜中。此外,发现钙钛矿晶体最初基于PbI 2取向。晶体取向但逐渐过渡到无规取向。应控制钙钛矿结晶过程的波动特征,例如分形渗透和取向转变,以制造出高质量的钙钛矿晶体。在这项研究中观察到的特征反应动力学应该有助于建立钙钛矿太阳能电池的可重复制造过程。