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Brain regionalization genes are co-opted into shell field patterning in Mollusca.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05605-5
Tim Wollesen 1 , Maik Scherholz 1 , Sonia Victoria Rodríguez Monje 1 , Emanuel Redl 1 , Christiane Todt 2 , Andreas Wanninger 1

The 'brain regionalization genes' Six3/6, Otx, Pax2/5/8, Gbx, and Hox1 are expressed in a similar fashion in the deuterostome, ecdysozoan, and the cephalopod brain, questioning whether this holds also true for the remaining Mollusca. We investigated developmental Gbx-expression in representatives of both molluscan sister groups, the Aculifera and Conchifera. Gbx is expressed in the posterior central nervous system of an aculiferan polyplacophoran and solenogaster but not in a conchiferan bivalve suggesting that Gbx, together with Six3/6, Otx, Pax2/5/8, and Hox1, is involved in central nervous system regionalization as reported for other bilaterians. Gbx is, however, also expressed in the anterior central nervous system, i.e. the anlagen of the cerebral ganglia, in the solenogaster, a condition not reported for any other bilaterian so far. Strikingly, all Gbx-orthologs and the other 'posterior brain regionalization genes' such as Pax2/5/8 and Hox1 are expressed in the mantle that secretes shell(s) and spicules of mollusks (except cephalopods). In bivalves, the ancestral condition has even been lost, with Gbx and Pax2/5/8 not being expressed in the developing central nervous system anymore. This suggests an additional role in the formation of the molluscan shell field(s) and spicule-bearing cells, key features of mollusks.



“大脑区域化基因”Six3/6、Otx、Pax2/5/8、Gbx 和 Hox1 在后口动物、蜕皮动物和头足类动物大脑中以类似的方式表达,质疑这是否也适用于其余的软体动物。我们研究了软体动物姐妹群体 Aculifera 和 Conchifera 代表的发育 Gbx 表达。 Gbx 在 aculiferan 多板动物和 solenogaster 的后中枢神经系统中表达,但在双壳贝类中不表达,表明 Gbx 与 Six3/6、Otx、Pax2/5/8 和 Hox1 一起参与中枢神经系统区域化:为其他两侧对称动物报道。然而,Gbx也在鳝鱼的前中枢神经系统(即大脑神经节的原基)中表达,迄今为止尚未在任何其他两侧对称动物中报道过这种情况。引人注目的是,所有 Gbx 直系同源基因和其他“后脑区域化基因”(例如 Pax2/5/8 和 Hox1)均在软体动物(头足类除外)分泌壳和针状体的外套膜中表达。在双壳类动物中,祖先的条件甚至已经消失,Gbx 和 Pax2/5/8 在发育中的中枢神经系统中不再表达。这表明在软体动物壳区和针状细胞(软体动物的关键特征)的形成中发挥着额外的作用。