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Carbon Nanowires: Peapod‐like Li3VO4/N‐Doped Carbon Nanowires with Pseudocapacitive Properties as Advanced Materials for High‐Energy Lithium‐Ion Capacitors (Adv. Mater. 27/2017)
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-13 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.201770196
Laifa Shen 1 , Haifeng Lv 2, 3, 4 , Shuangqiang Chen 1 , Peter Kopold 1 , Peter A. van Aken 1 , Xiaojun Wu 2, 3, 4 , Joachim Maier 1 , Yan Yu 1, 2

In article number 1700142, Xiaojun Wu, Yan Yu, and co‐workers report a highenergy lithium‐ion capacitor using Li3VO4/N‐doped carbon nanowires as the anode and activated carbon as the cathode. The N‐doped carbon‐encapsulated Li3VO4 nanowires display a low insertion voltage and fast rate kinetics, features that are better than are found for many other Li+ insertion anodes. The combination of the Li3VO4 anode and the activated carbon cathode could lead to promising lithium‐ion capacitors that are not attainable by conventional electrochemical energy‐storage systems.


碳纳米线:具有伪电容特性的像Peapod一样的Li3VO4 / N掺杂碳纳米线,作为高能锂离子电容器的先进材料(Adv。Mater.27 / 2017)

在文章编号1700142中,吴晓军,于艳和同事报告了一种高能锂离子电容器,该电容器使用Li 3 VO 4 / N掺杂的碳纳米线作为阳极,而活性炭作为阴极。N掺杂的碳包裹的Li 3 VO 4纳米线显示出​​低的插入电压和快速的动力学,其特性优于许多其他Li +插入阳极。Li 3 VO 4阳极和活性炭阴极的组合可以产生有希望的锂离子电容器,这是常规电化学储能系统无法实现的。