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A novel border-rich Prussian blue synthetized by inhibitor control as cathode for sodium ion batteries
Nano Energy ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.07.005
Yongxin Huang , Man Xie , Jiatao Zhang , Ziheng Wang , Ying Jiang , Genhua Xiao , Shuaijie Li , Li Li , Feng Wu , Renjie Chen

The performance of a Prussian blue cathode is affected by its structure and stability. Through the inhibitor and temperature control, the border-rich structure was obtained, which provides a good contact between electrode-electrolyte interfaces and increases the transmission path for Na+ ions. In addition, the as-prepared sample with rhombohedral phase demonstrated lower band gap and lower energy barrier for Na+ ions insertion. Benefiting from the kinetics optimization, the as-prepared electrode exhibited initial capacity of 120 mA h g−1 and maintained nearly 80% after 280 cycles at current density of 100 mA g−1. This electrode also exhibited good rate performance about 60 mA h g−1 at rate of 10 C. The structural stability is also related to the formation of the passivation layer during the charge-discharge process. The optimized passivation layer not only protects the electrode form the adverse side reactions at high voltage but also delivers low interface impedance. It can be inferred that the passivation layer plays a positive role in long cycling performance. When the as-prepared electrode was measured in an electrolyte with FEC additive, it exhibited a high capacity retention rate of 79% after 500 cycles.



普鲁士蓝阴极的性能受其结构和稳定性的影响。通过抑制剂和温度控制,获得了富边界结构,该结构在电极-电解质界面之间提供了良好的接触,并增加了Na +离子的传输路径。另外,所制备的具有菱面体相的样品显示出较低的带隙和较低的Na +离子插入能垒。得益于动力学的优化,所制备的电极表现出120 mA h g -1的初始容量,并在电流密度为100 mA g -1的情况下经过280次循环后保持了近80%的容量。该电极还表现出约60 mA h g -1的良好倍率性能其结构稳定性还与充放电过程中钝化层的形成有关。优化的钝化层不仅可以保护电极免受高电压下的不利副反应,而且还可以降低界面阻抗。可以推断出钝化层在长循环性能中起着积极的作用。当在具有FEC添加剂的电解质中测量所制备的电极时,在500次循环后,其表现出79%的高容量保持率。
