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AMPA-receptor specific biogenesis complexes control synaptic transmission and intellectual ability.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-04 , DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15910
Aline Brechet , Rebecca Buchert , Jochen Schwenk , Sami Boudkkazi , Gerd Zolles , Karine Siquier-Pernet , Irene Schaber , Wolfgang Bildl , Abdelkrim Saadi , Christine Bole-Feysot , Patrick Nitschke , Andre Reis , Heinrich Sticht , Nouriya Al-Sanna’a , Arndt Rolfs , Akos Kulik , Uwe Schulte , Laurence Colleaux , Rami Abou Jamra , Bernd Fakler

AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs), key elements in excitatory neurotransmission in the brain, are macromolecular complexes whose properties and cellular functions are determined by the co-assembled constituents of their proteome. Here we identify AMPAR complexes that transiently form in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lack the core-subunits typical for AMPARs in the plasma membrane. Central components of these ER AMPARs are the proteome constituents FRRS1l (C9orf4) and CPT1c that specifically and cooperatively bind to the pore-forming GluA1-4 proteins of AMPARs. Bi-allelic mutations in the human FRRS1L gene are shown to cause severe intellectual disability with cognitive impairment, speech delay and epileptic activity. Virus-directed deletion or overexpression of FRRS1l strongly impact synaptic transmission in adult rat brain by decreasing or increasing the number of AMPARs in synapses and extra-synaptic sites. Our results provide insight into the early biogenesis of AMPARs and demonstrate its pronounced impact on synaptic transmission and brain function.



AMPA型谷氨酸受体(AMPAR)是大脑兴奋性神经传递的关键元素,是大分子复合物,其性质和细胞功能由其蛋白质组的共组装成分决定。在这里,我们确定了在内质网(ER)中瞬时形成的AMPAR复合物,该复合物缺乏质膜中AMPAR的典型核心亚基。这些ER AMPAR的主要组成部分是蛋白质组组成部分FRRS11(C9orf4)和CPT1c,它们与AMPAR的成孔GluA1-4蛋白特异性结合。人类FRRS1L基因中的双等位基因突变显示会导致严重的智力残疾,并伴有认知障碍,语言障碍和癫痫发作。通过减少或增加突触和突触外位点中AMPAR的数量,病毒指导的FRRS11的缺失或过表达强烈影响成年大鼠脑中的突触传递。我们的结果提供了对AMPARs早期生物发生的见解,并证明了其对突触传递和脑功能的显着影响。