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Complexation of Actinide(III) and Lanthanide(III) with H4TPAEN for a Separation of Americium from Curium and Lanthanides
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-30 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00603
Nathalie Boubals 1 , Christoph Wagner 2, 3 , Thomas Dumas 1 , Léa Chanèac 1 , Gabriel Manie 1 , Peter Kaufholz 4 , Cécile Marie 1 , Petra J. Panak 2, 3 , Giuseppe Modolo 4 , Andreas Geist 3 , Philippe Guilbaud 1

Previous studies have identified the TPAEN ligand as a potentially appropriate complexing agent in solvent extraction processes for the separation of americium (Am(III)) from the fission products including lanthanide (Ln(III)) and curium (Cm(III)) ions, a challenging issue for advanced nuclear fuel recycling. To get insight into the selectivity of this ligand, the complexation of selected trivalent Ln(III) and actinide (An(III)) cations with TPAEN was investigated in solution. First, the structure and stoichiometry of the TPAEN complex with Am(III) were characterized by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). Then complexation constants and thermodynamics data were acquired for the complexes using different methods: microcalorimetry for the Ln(III) cations, time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) for Eu(III) and Cm(III), and UV–visible spectroscopy for Nd(III) and Am(III).


H系元素(III)和镧系元素(III)与H 4 TPAEN的络合以从Cur和镧系元素中分离A
