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Selective and Fast Adsorption of Perfluorooctanesulfonate from Wastewater by Magnetic Fluorinated Vermiculite
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06540
Ziwen Du 1, 2 , Shubo Deng 1 , Siyu Zhang 3 , Wei Wang 1 , Bin Wang 1 , Jun Huang 1 , Yujue Wang 1 , Gang Yu 1 , Baoshan Xing 2

A novel magnetic fluorinated adsorbent with selective and fast adsorption of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) was synthesized via a simple ball milling of Fe3O4 and vermiculite loaded with a cationic fluorinated surfactant. The loaded Fe3O4 nanoparticles increased the dispersibility of fluorinated vermiculite (F-VT) in water and allowed the magnetic separability. The nanosized Fe3O4 was homogeneously embedded into the adsorbent surfaces, improving the hydrophilicity of F-VT external surface, and this hybrid adsorbent still kept the hydrophobic fluorinated interlayer structure. With this unique property, Fe3O4-loaded F-VT has very fast and selective adsorption for PFOS in the presence of other compounds, due to the fluorophilicity of C–F chains intercalated in the adsorbent interlayers. This novel adsorbent has a high sorption capacity for PFOS, exhibiting PFOS removal from fire-fighting foam wastewater that is much higher than that of powdered activated carbon and resin due to its high selectivity for PFOS. The used Fe3O4-loaded F-VT was successfully regenerated by methanol and reused five times without reduction in PFOS removal and magnetic performance. The Fe3O4-loaded F-VT demonstrates promising application for PFOS removal from real wastewater.



通过对Fe 3 O 4和负载有阳离子氟化表面活性剂的ver石进行简单的球磨,合成了一种具有选择性和快速吸附全氟辛烷磺酸盐(PFOS)的新型磁性氟化吸附剂。负载的Fe 3 O 4纳米颗粒提高了氟化ver石(F-VT)在水中的分散性,并实现了磁分离性。纳米级的Fe 3 O 4被均匀地嵌入吸附剂表面,提高了F-VT外表面的亲水性,这种杂化吸附剂仍然保持了疏水性的氟化夹层结构。凭借这种独特的特性,Fe 3 O 4负载的F-VT在存在其他化合物的情况下对PFOS具有非常快速的选择性吸附,这是由于插在吸附剂中间层中的CF链具有亲氟性。这种新型吸附剂对全氟辛烷磺酸具有很高的吸附能力,由于其对全氟辛烷磺酸的高选择性,因此它在灭火泡沫废水中的全氟辛烷磺酸去除率远远高于粉末状活性炭和树脂。用过的装载有Fe 3 O 4的F-VT已通过甲醇成功再生,并重复使用了五次,而不会降低PFOS的去除率和磁性能。负载有Fe 3 O 4的F-VT展示了从实际废水中去除全氟辛烷磺酸的有前途的应用。