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Nitrosamine Formation in Amine-Based CO2 Capture in the Absence of NO2: Molecular Modeling and Experimental Validation
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-16 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05601
Huancong Shi 1 , Teeradet Supap 2 , Raphael Idem 2 , Don Gelowitz 3 , Colin Campbell 3 , Max Ball 3

A computational chemistry approach was used to elucidate and verify the different nitrosamine formation mechanisms and pathways. These included nitrosamine formation under acid or basic environments in the presence of NO, O2, SO2 and CO2 without NO2. The results clearly showed that nitrosamine could be formed without NO2 via 2 different types of mechanisms, namely, addition and elimination forming N–N bond before proton transfer and proton transfer before N–N bond formation, respectively. The essence of these mechanisms identified in this work was that two reaction steps were required to complete both reaction mechanisms with different nitrosating agents. Two steps were both necessary neither of which could be neglected, if the nitrosamine formation reaction was to be completed. Computational simulation performed on the reactant, intermediate, transition state, and product for each set of reactions also validated the proposed mechanisms. Experiment also detected nitrosamine from the reaction of diethylamine and NO, SO2, O2, and CO2 in both liquid and gas phase. Thus, NO2 is not necessary for nitrosamine formation to occur in the CO2 capture system.


缺乏NO 2的胺基CO 2捕集过程中亚硝胺的形成:分子模型和实验验证

使用一种计算化学方法来阐明和验证不同的亚硝胺形成机理和途径。这些包括在没有NO 2的NO,O 2,SO 2和CO 2的存在下,在酸性或碱性环境下亚硝胺的形成。结果清楚地表明,在没有NO 2的情况下可以形成亚硝胺通过两种不同类型的机制,分别是在质子转移之前形成加成和消除键和在质子转移之前形成N–N键。在这项工作中确定的这些机制的实质是需要两个反应步骤才能完成使用不同亚硝化剂的两个反应机制。如果要完成亚硝胺形成反应,则两个步骤都是必需的,两个步骤都不能忽略。对每组反应在反应物,中间物,过渡态和产物上进行的计算仿真也验证了所提出的机理。实验还从液相和气相的二乙胺与NO,SO 2,O 2和CO 2的反应中检测到亚硝胺。因此,否2是没有必要在CO产生亚硝胺的形成2捕获系统。