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Cu2O@C core/shell nanoparticle as an electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction
Journal of Catalysis ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 
Hongxia Zhang, Zhewei Zhang, Na Li, Wenjun Yan, Zhenping Zhu

This study aims to develop an effective and inexpensive oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting. Cu2O nanoparticles coated with carbon (Cu2O@C) were successfully synthesized by photocatalytic method. As a novel non-noble-metal OER catalyst, the Cu2O@C exhibited excellent OER efficiency with an onset overpotential of 250mV and a Tafel slope of 63mVdecade−1. This catalyst maintained its catalytic activity for at least 100h and required only an overpotential of 330mV to attain a current density 10mAcm−2 GEO. During OER catalysis, the carbon shell served as a conducting media to quicken the charge transfer and as a protective layer to enhance the phase stability and prevent the aggregation of Cu2O nanoparticles.


Cu2O @ C核/壳纳米粒子作为氧析出反应的电催化剂

这项研究旨在开发一种有效且廉价的制氧反应(OER)电催化剂,以实现高效的水分解。通过光催化方法成功合成了包覆有碳的Cu 2 O纳米粒子(Cu 2 O @ C)。作为一种新型的非贵金属OER催化剂,Cu 2 O @ C表现出优异的OER效率,起始过电势为250mV,Tafel斜率为63mVdecade -1。该催化剂保持其催化活性至少100h,仅需330mV的超电势即可达到10mAcm -2 GEO的电流密度。在OER催化过程中,碳壳充当导电介质以加快电荷转移,并充当保护层以增强相稳定性并防止Cu 2 O纳米粒子聚集。