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The Emergence of the Mixed Perovskites and Their Applications as Solar Cells
Advanced Energy Materials ( IF 24.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-09 , DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201700491
Jia-Wen Xiao 1 , Lang Liu 1 , Deliang Zhang 1 , Nicholas De Marco 2, 3 , Jin-Wook Lee 2, 3 , Oliver Lin 2, 3 , Qi Chen 1 , Yang Yang 2, 3

The halide perovskite (PVSK) materials (with ABX3 formulation) have emerged as “dream materials” for photovoltaic (PV) applications due to their remarkable physical properties such as high optical absorption coefficient, carrier mobility, long carrier diffusion lengths, etc. These properties have enabled the PV devices to reach higher than 20% power conversion efficiencies (PCE) in record time. The further pursuit of higher PCE and improved stability brings forth increasing interests in so‐called “mixed composition” PVSK materials, consisting of partial substitution of the A, B, and/or X‐sites with alternative elements/molecules of similar size. Herein, we highlight the recent advances in developing mixed PVSK for PVs and their relevant optoelectronic properties. We mainly focus on mixed PVSK materials in the form of polycrystalline thin films, but also discuss nanostructured and two‐dimensional (2D) PVSK materials due to the increasing interest of broad readership. Efforts are exerted to elucidate the design principles of mixed PVSK and fabrication techniques for high performance optoelectronic devices, which help deepen our fundamental understanding of mixed PVSK systems. We hope this review will shed light onto the design and synthesis of mixed PVSK materials to further the progress of PVSK photovoltaics towards higher efficiencies and longer lifetimes.



卤化物钙钛矿(PVSK)材料(带有ABX 3由于其出色的物理性能,例如高光吸收系数,载流子迁移率,长载流子扩散长度等,已成为光伏(PV)应用的“梦想材料”。这些性能使PV器件能够达到20倍以上%的功率转换效率(PCE)达到创纪录的时间。对更高PCE和更高稳定性的进一步追求,引起了人们对所谓“混合成分” PVSK材料的关注,这种材料包括用相似尺寸的替代元素/分子部分取代A,B和/或X位。在此,我们重点介绍了在开发用于PV的混合PVSK及其相关光电性能方面的最新进展。我们主要关注多晶薄膜形式的混合PVSK材料,由于广泛的读者兴趣,还讨论了纳米结构和二维(2D)PVSK材料。努力阐明混合PVSK的设计原理和高性能光电器件的制造技术,这有助于加深我们对混合PVSK系统的基本了解。我们希望这次审查能为混合PVSK材料的设计和合成提供启示,以进一步推动PVSK光伏向更高效率和更长寿命的方向发展。