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Effect of Polymer Architecture on the Structure and Interactions of Polymer Grafted Particles: Theory and Simulations
Macromolecules ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-09 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b00524
Kevin J. Modica 1 , Tyler B. Martin 1 , Arthi Jayaraman 1

We use Langevin dynamics simulations and Polymer Reference Interaction Site Model (PRISM) theory to study polymer grafted nanoparticles specifically to explain the impact of comb polymer architecture on the grafted layer structure and effective interparticle interactions in solvent and in matrix polymer. First, we use simulations to study a single particle grafted with comb polymers with varying comb polymer design (i.e., spacing and length of side chains along the comb polymer backbone), grafting density (i.e., polymer chains/particle surface area), and particle curvature in implicit solvent at the athermal limit. We find that increasing side chain length or decreasing side chain spacing along the comb polymer effectively swells and extends the polymer backbone due to the increasing side chain monomer crowding. For particles at finite curvature with increasing side chain monomer crowding, the monomer concentration profile of the comb polymer backbone at short distances from the surface resembles the concentration profile of a semiflexible linear polymer and at farther distances resembles that of flexible linear polymers grafted to a flat surface. As the particle curvature decreases to zero (i.e., flat surface), increasing side chain crowding has a simpler effect of expanding the grafted layer without changing the overall shape of the concentration profile. To understand how architecture affects the interactions of the comb polymer grafted particles, we use PRISM theory to calculate the potential of mean force (PMF) between comb polymer grafted particles in implicit solvent, explicit solvent, and explicit matrix of athermal linear polymers. On the basis of the PMFs calculated for a wide range of design parameters (grafting density, comb polymer design), we find that, compared to linear polymers, the comb polymers exhibit stronger effective attraction in the PMF between the grafted particles in both small molecule solvent and polymer matrix due to the increased crowding in the grafted layer from the comb polymer side chains. Interestingly, the PMF between the grafted particles in a small molecule solvent is more sensitive to the comb polymer design (i.e., side chain length and spacing) than the PMF between the grafted particles in a polymer matrix.


