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Y-Doped Na2ZrO3: A Na-Rich Layered Oxide as a High-Capacity Cathode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-12 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b00196
Shufeng Song 1 , Masashi Kotobuki 2 , Feng Zheng 2 , Chaohe Xu 1 , Ning Hu 1, 3 , Li Lu 2, 4 , Yu Wang 5 , Wei-Dong Li 5

The renewed interest in sodium-ion batteries reflects the persistent concern about the lithium resources that have widespread applications but an uneven distribution, and the overwhelming need for large-scale energy storage. Most exploration has focused on the conventional layered oxides NaxMO2 that stem from lithium-ion cathodes. However, exploring cathode materials with high capacities, long cycle lives, and low costs because of the large ionic radius and high atomic weight of sodium is a great challenge. Here we report a Na-rich layered oxide, yttrium-doped Na2ZrO3, that serves as a cathode material in sodium-ion batteries. This material delivers a large reversible capacity of ∼180 mAh g–1 and a good cycle life with no sign of obvious capacity decay over 1500 cycles along with a low cost. The redox reactivity of oxygen is shown to be involved in the sodium extraction–insertion processes. This work not only provides a cathode contender to conventional layered oxides NaxMO2 but also suggests that broad classes of defective Na-rich layered oxides could be discovered.


Y掺杂的Na 2 ZrO 3:一种富含Na的层状氧化物,作为钠离子电池的高容量阴极材料

对钠离子电池的重新关注反映了人们对锂资源的持续关注,锂资源具有广泛的用途,但分布不均,并且对大规模储能的压倒性需求。大多数研究都集中在源自锂离子阴极的常规层状氧化物Na x MO 2上。然而,由于大的离子半径和钠的高原子量,探索具有高容量,长寿命和低成本的阴极材料是一个巨大的挑战。在这里,我们报告了富钠的层状氧化物,掺钇的Na 2 ZrO 3,它在钠离子电池中用作阴极材料。这种材料可逆容量约为180 mAh g –1循环寿命长,在1500个循环中没有明显的容量衰减迹象,而且成本低廉。氧的氧化还原反应性被证明与钠的萃取-插入过程有关。这项工作不仅为常规的层状氧化物Na x MO 2提供了阴极竞争者,而且表明可以发现各种类型的有缺陷的富含Na的层状氧化物。