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Modulating Properties of Pure ZrO2 for Structure–activity Relationships in Acid-base Catalysis: Contribution of the Alginate Preparation Route
ChemCatChem ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-22 07:55:49 , DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201700171
Elodie Wan 1 , Arnaud Travert 2 , Françoise Quignard 1 , Didier Tichit 1 , Nathalie Tanchoux 1 , Hugo Petitjean 1

Structure–activity relationships in heterogeneous catalysis demand the development of original preparation routes to create catalyst sets with extended surface properties. Pure zirconia is a bifunctional catalyst which shows a high versatility in acid-base catalysis. The present work aims to synthesize a set of zirconia catalysts with various acid–base reactivities. It proposes a new route to prepare pure zirconia using sodium alginate, a low-cost biosourced polymer. This zirconia phase is compared to samples obtained from two more conventional preparation routes, precipitation and sol-gel. Upon calcination (500–900 °C), the alginate-derived zirconia maintains a high specific area, which can be explained by the high dispersion of the zirconyl species in the ionogel precursor. Moreover, the three types of catalysts have distinct acid–base properties, as shown by CO2 adsorption and catalysis (methylbutynol model reaction). The alginate-derived ZrO2 has a higher and more stable amphoteric reactivity than the phases obtained by precipitation and sol-gel, which can be rationalized by a higher level of Lewis acid-base pairs.



非均相催化中的结构-活性关系要求开发原始的制备路线,以产生具有扩展表面性能的催化剂组。纯氧化锆是一种双功能催化剂,在酸碱催化中显示出高度的多功能性。本工作旨在合成一组具有各种酸碱反应性的氧化锆催化剂。它提出了一种使用藻酸钠(一种低成本的生物来源聚合物)制备纯氧化锆的新途径。将该氧化锆相与从两种更常规的制备路线(沉淀和溶胶-凝胶)获得的样品进行了比较。在煅烧(500–900°C)时,藻酸盐衍生的氧化锆保持较高的比表面积,这可以通过锆基物质在离子凝胶前体中的高度分散来解释。而且,2吸附和催化(甲基丁炔醇模型反应)。海藻酸衍生的ZrO 2具有比通过沉淀和溶胶-凝胶获得的相更高和更稳定的两性反应性,这可以通过更高水平的路易斯酸-碱对来合理化。