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LiO2: Cryosynthesis and Chemical/Electrochemical Reactivities
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-08 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00680
Xinmin Zhang 1 , Limin Guo 1 , Linfeng Gan 1 , Yantao Zhang 1 , Jing Wang 1 , Lee R. Johnson 2 , Peter G. Bruce 2 , Zhangquan Peng 1

The reduction of O2 to solid Li2O2, via the intermediates O2 and LiO2, is the desired discharge reaction at the positive electrode of the aprotic Li–O2 batteries. In practice, a plethora of byproducts are identified together with Li2O2 and have been assigned to the side reactions between the reduced oxygen species (O2, LiO2, and Li2O2) and the battery components (the cathode and electrolyte). Understanding the reactivity of these reduced oxygen species is critical for the development of stable battery components and thus high cycle life. O2 and Li2O2 are readily available, and their reactivities have been studied in depth both experimentally and theoretically. However, little is known about LiO2, which readily decomposes to Li2O2 and is thus unavailable under usual laboratory conditions. Here we report the synthesis and reactivity of LiO2 in liquid NH3 at cryogenic temperatures and conclude that LiO2 is the most reactive oxygen species in Li–O2 batteries.


LiO 2:低温合成和化学/电化学反应性

的O的还原2至固体栗2 ö 2,经由中间体Ò 2 -和LIO 2,在非质子LIO的正极所需的放电反应2电池。在实践中,大量副产物与Li 2 O 2一起被鉴定出来,并被分配给还原的氧物种(O 2 ,LiO 2和Li 2 O 2)之间的副反应。)和电池组件(正极和电解质)。了解这些减少的氧种类的反应性对于开发稳定的电池组件并因此延长循环寿命至关重要。Ø 2 -和Li 2 Ø 2都是现成的,他们的反应性已经深入实验和理论进行了研究。然而,关于LiO 2知之甚少,LiO 2容易分解为Li 2 O 2,因此在通常的实验室条件下是不可用的。在这里,我们报道了低温下液态NH 3中LiO 2的合成和反应性,并得出结论说LiO 2是Li–O 2电池中活性最高的氧。