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Influence of the Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect on the Morphology of Copper Indium Disulfide Nanoplatelets Synthesized by Ion Exchange
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2015-07-15 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b02427
Linjia Mu 1 , Fudong Wang 1 , Bryce Sadtler 1 , Richard A. Loomis 1 , William E. Buhro 1

CuInS2 nanocrystals are prepared by ion exchange with template Cu2–xS nanoplatelets and InX3 [X = chloride, iodide, acetate (OAc), or acetylacetonate (acac)]. The morphologies of the resultant nanocrystals depend on the InX3 precursor and the reaction temperature. Exchange with InCl3 at 150 °C produces CuInS2 nanoplatelets having central holes and thickness variations, whereas the exchange at 200 °C produces intact CuInS2 nanoplatelets in which the initial morphology is preserved. Exchange with InI3 at 150 °C produces CuInS2 nanoplatelets in which the central hollowing is more extreme, whereas exchange with In(OAc)3 or In(acac)3 at 150 °C produces intact CuInS2 nanoplatelets. The results establish that the ion exchange occurs through the thin nanoplatelet edge facets. The hollowing and hole formation are due to a nanoscale Kirkendall Effect operating in the reaction-limited regime for displacement of X at the edges, to allow insertion of In3+ into the template nanoplatelets.



CuInS 2纳米晶体是通过与模板Cu 2– x S纳米片和InX 3 [X =氯化物,碘化物,乙酸盐(OAc)或乙酰丙酮酸盐(acac)]进行离子交换而制备的。所得纳米晶体的形态取决于InX 3前体和反应温度。在150°C下与InCl 3交换产生具有中心孔和厚度变化的CuInS 2纳米片,而在200°C下交换产生完整的CuInS 2纳米片,其中保留了初始形态。在150°C下与InI 3交换产生CuInS 2纳米血小板,其中中心空化更为极端,而在150°C下与In(OAc)3或In(acac)3交换则产生完整的CuInS 2纳米血小板。结果证实,离子交换通过薄的纳米血小板边缘小面发生。空鼓和孔形成是由于纳米级Kirkendall效应在对X的位移反应受限状态下操作-在边缘处,以允许在插入3+到模板纳米片。